Day 14/30: Key Elements of Product Discovery 🤔
The roots of product discovery stem from scientific inquiry and the scientific method 🔬
I view product discovery in a similar light as scientific inquiry, which I distill down to:
A seemingly insatiable curiosity or drive to uncover the truth;
Defining specific and well-scoped hypotheses that clearly signals to the product; team when an experiment is successful, a failure, or requires further investigation
Selecting the research methodology with intention and purpose, keeping in mind feasibility considerations;
Explicitly stating assumptions, limitations, and tradeoffs made upfront;
Involving cross-functional peers to the extent needed with respect to the depth of knowledge or perspective they provide; and
Having a sense of when you need to conduct more discovery and when to stop, given sufficient evidence and diminishing returns if you were to continue collecting evidence.
sounds like UX Research? do you think they are the same, or...?